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Sources of Pakistani Laws: An Overview

Pakistan, being a federal state, has a well-defined legal system that draws upon multiple sources of law. In this article, we will explore the various sources of Pakistani laws that play a critical role in shaping the country’s legal framework. We will examine each source of law in detail, providing an overview of their significance and how they contribute to the Pakistani legal system.

Introduction to Pakistani Legal System

Before we dive into the sources of Pakistani laws, it is essential to understand the legal system’s basics. The Pakistani legal system is a combination of Islamic law (Sharia), British common law, and local laws. The Constitution of Pakistan serves as the supreme law of the land, and all other laws must be in conformity with its provisions.

Constitution of Pakistan

The Constitution of Pakistan was first adopted in 1956 and has been amended several times since then. It lays down the fundamental rights of the citizens and provides for the governance structure of the country. The Constitution is the primary source of law and serves as the basis for all other laws and regulations in Pakistan.

Islamic Law

Islam is the religion of the majority of the Pakistani population, and Islamic law (Sharia) plays a vital role in the country’s legal system. The Constitution of Pakistan recognizes Islam as the state religion, and all laws must be in accordance with Islamic principles. The Federal Shariat Court of Pakistan is responsible for ensuring that all laws are in conformity with Islamic law.

British Common Law

Pakistan was part of British India until 1947, and the country’s legal system is based on British common law. The laws enacted during British rule in India continue to be in force in Pakistan, subject to modification and amendments to suit the country’s specific needs.

Statutes and Acts

The Pakistan Penal Code, the Pakistan Criminal Procedure Code, and the Pakistan Evidence Act are some of the essential statutes and acts in the country. These laws were enacted by the Pakistani parliament and serve as the basis for the country’s criminal justice system.

Judicial Precedent

Judicial precedent refers to the legal principle that courts are bound to follow the decisions of higher courts in similar cases. The principle of judicial precedent is an essential source of law in Pakistan and plays a critical role in shaping the country’s legal system.

Local Laws

Pakistan is a federal state, and each province has its laws that govern specific issues. For instance, the Punjab Local Government Act and the Sindh Local Government Act provide for local governance in these provinces. Similarly, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Mines and Minerals Development Act and the Balochistan Local Government Act are examples of local laws that govern specific issues in these provinces.

International Law

Pakistan is a member of the United Nations and a signatory to various international conventions and treaties. International law plays a crucial role in shaping the country’s legal system, and the government is obligated to follow its provisions.

Customary Law

Customary law is another source of law in Pakistan. It refers to the traditional practices and customs of the country’s various ethnic and tribal groups. These customs and practices continue to be recognized and enforced in the areas where they are prevalent.


The Pakistani legal system draws upon multiple sources of law, including the Constitution, Islamic law, British common law, statutes and acts, judicial precedent, local laws, international law, and customary law. Each source of law plays a critical role in shaping the country’s legal framework and ensuring that the citizens’ rights are protected.


What is the Constitution of Pakistan?

The Constitution of Pakistan serves as the supreme law of the land and provides for the governance structure of the country.

What role does Islamic law play in Pakistan’s legal system?

Islamic law (Sharia) plays a vital role in Pakistan’s legal system as the country is predominantly Muslim. The Constitution of Pakistan recognizes Islam as the state religion, and all laws must be in accordance with Islamic principles.

What is the significance of British common law in Pakistan’s legal system?

British common law is an essential source of law in Pakistan as the country was part of British India until 1947. The laws enacted during British rule in India continue to be in force in Pakistan, subject to modification and amendments to suit the country’s specific needs.

What are local laws, and why are they important in Pakistan’s legal system?

Local laws refer to laws that govern specific issues in a particular province or region. They are important in Pakistan’s legal system as the country is a federal state, and each province has its laws that govern specific issues.

What is the role of international law in Pakistan’s legal system?

Pakistan is a member of the United Nations and a signatory to various international conventions and treaties. International law plays a crucial role in shaping the country’s legal system, and the government is obligated to follow its provisions.

In conclusion, the sources of Pakistani laws are diverse and draw upon a range of legal traditions and practices. These sources of law have shaped the country’s legal system and ensure that the citizens’ rights are protected. By understanding the sources of Pakistani laws, we can gain a deeper appreciation of the country’s legal framework and the various factors that have contributed to its development.



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