Family Laws

Column of Nikahnama Importance and Detail

This document is fundamental in officiating the marriage in Islam and helps in determining the rights and duties of both partners in a

A Nikah Nama, otherwise known as the Islamic marriage contract, governs marital relations between any Muslim couple. This document

The essential element of an Islamic marriage is the Nikah Nama, or a marriage contract, which is a legal and binding contract under the Ordinance

In this video, you will learn about the columns of importance and detail mentioned in Column No. 16 of the nikahnama. It records the personal details of the parties to the marriage,


The Nikah Nama is an important document in Islamic marriage officiating. It helps determine the rights and duties of both partners in a marriage. The Nikah Nama provides for columns to record specific information along with settlements between the parties with respect to dower, any document made in relation to the marriage, and other matters. With the introduction of the Act, the Nikah Form has attained a very vital importance regarding the resolution of disputes that may arise between husband and wife.

Overview of Nikahnama

The Nikahnama is a document of great importance in Islamic marriages. It helps to determine the rights and duties of both partners in the marriage, and can provide valuable insights and information in the event of any disputes that may arise between them. The essential element of an Islamic marriage is the Nikah Nama, or marriage contract, which is a legal and binding contract under the Ordinance. The Nikah Nama governs marital relations between any two Muslim partners entering into a civil union, and is especially important for the bride to align each detail with her partner in order to safeguard her position in the marriage. Years later, the Nikahnama can still provide vital information and guidance regarding the rights and obligations of both partners.

The Significance of the Nikahnama

This document is fundamental in officiating the marriage in Islam and helps in determining the rights and duties of both partners in a Muslim marriage. In the Nikah Nama prescribed for marriage however there are only two columns to record the names of the witnesses of the bride and groom respectively.

6. With the introduction of the Act, the Nikah Form has attained a very vital importance regarding the resolution of the disputes, if arise between husband and wife.

A Nikah Nama, otherwise known as the Islamic marriage contract, governs marital relations between any Muslim couple. The essential element of an Islamic marriage is the Nikah Nama, or a marriage contract, which is a legal and binding contract under the Ordinance.

The nikah nama is a written document that two Muslim partners entering into a civil union must put their signature on in order to solemnize their marriage. It is especially important for the bride to align each detail with her partner

What is Included in a Nikahnama?

A Nikah Nama, otherwise known as the Islamic marriage contract, governs marital relations between any Muslim couple. The nikah nama is a written document that two Muslim partners entering into a civil union must put their signature on in order to make their marriage official. The Nikah Nama provides for columns to record specific information along with settlements between the parties with respect to dower, any document made in connection with the marriage, and other matters. Clause 1-6 of the Nikah Nama include basic information like the address of the place where the marriage ceremony is taking place.

The witnesses must include two trustworthy Muslim men who are not next of kin to the bride, eg ascendants like the father or grandfather and descendants like sons or nephews. With the introduction of the Act, the Nikah Form has attained a very vital importance regarding the resolution of the disputes, if arise between husband and wife relating to divorce, alimony or custody of children etc.

Requirements for a Valid Nikahnama

The requirements for a valid Muslim marriage are more contractual in nature rather than being ceremonial or sacramental.

The nature of marriage in Islam is that of a contract between two partners, with each partner having certain rights and responsibilities. A key element of the contract is the dower, which is the financial consideration that the husband pays to the wife in return for her consent to the marriage.

The Nikah Nama, or Islamic marriage contract, is a written document that sets out the terms of the marriage. Although Islam does not require a written document for solemnisation or the validity of Nikah, it is an important and a fundamental proof of marriage.

The Nikah Nama includes basic information such as the address of the place where the marriage ceremony is taking place, name of the bride and groom, and their respective fathers’ names. It also contains detailed clauses governing marital relations between husband and wife, including financial rights and responsibilities.

Benefits of Having a Valid Nikahnama

A Nikahnama, otherwise known as the Islamic marriage contract, governs marital relations between any Muslim couple. This document is especially important for the bride to align each detail with her partner in order to safeguard her position in the marriage. The nikah nama is a written document that two Muslim partners entering into a civil union must put their signature on in order to solemnize the marriage. Although Islam does not require a written document for solemnisation or the validity of Nikah,2 it is an important and a fundamental proof of marriage.

How to Prepare for Entering into a Nikah Contract

Nikah Nama, is an Islamic Marriage Contract, which is signed by both partners at the time of their marriage.

This document is important as it outlines the rights and responsibilities of both husband and wife in the marriage. It is advised that couples seeking to enter into a Nikah contract should seek guidance from a religious scholar or lawyer to ensure that they understand the implications of the contract.

Once both parties have signed the Nikah Nama, it is then registered with the local authorities.


The Nikah Nama, or Islamic marriage contract, is a vital document in officiating a Muslim marriage. The document helps to determine the rights and duties of both partners in a marriage, and is thus crucial in resolving any disputes that may arise between the couple. The Nikah Nama also provides for specific information to be recorded in columns regarding settlements between the parties with respect to dower, as well as any documents made in relation to the marriage.



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