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Pakistan Family Courts Act

Purpose of the West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964

The West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964 was passed to provide for the establishment of family courts for the expeditious settlement and disposal of disputes relating to marriage, divorce, dower, alimony, guardianship, custody of children and maintenance. The act also provides for the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in matrimonial matters.

Short title and extent.

The West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964 provides the forum for the trial of the suit and the settlement of matrimonial disputes. The Act was enacted on 18th July 1964 to provide the provisions for establishment of family courts, to expedite the settlement of matrimonial disputes and to make provision for the custody, guardianship and maintenance of infants.


The West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964 was enacted to provide for the establishment of Family Courts for the expeditious settlement and disposal of disputes relating to marriage, divorce, maintenance, custody of children and dower.

The Act also provides for the deeming of Family Courts as District Courts for the purposes of the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890.

The Act is thus beneficial in nature and enlarges the scope of relief that can be provided by Family Courts.

Constitution of Family Courts.

The West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964 was passed with the purpose of providing a more expeditious and effective method for the settlement of disputes relating to marriage, divorce, custody of children, and maintenance. The Act provides for the constitution of Family Courts, which are deemed to be District Courts for the purposes of the Guardians and Wards Act. The jurisdiction of Family Courts extends to all matters relating to marriage, divorce, custody of children, and maintenance.

Appointment of officers and employees of Family Courts.

The West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964 provides for the appointment of officers and employees of Family Courts. The Act also provides for the establishment of Family Courts in each district. The purpose of the Act is to provide for the expeditious settlement and disposal of disputes relating to marriage, divorce, custody, maintenance and guardianship.

Functions of Family Courts.

The Family Courts Act, 1964 was passed by the West Pakistan Assembly on 30th June, 1964. The Act provides for the establishment of Family Courts for the expeditious settlement and disposal of disputes relating to marriage, divorce, custody of children and maintenance. The Act also provides for the delegation of powers to the Family Courts by the District Courts. The functions of the Family Courts are to adjudicate disputes relating to marriage, divorce, custody of children and maintenance.

Procedure of Family Courts.

The West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964 was passed by the West Pakistan Assembly on 30th June, 1964 in order to establish one or more Family Courts in each District or at such other place as it may deem necessary and appoint a Judge. The Act provides for the procedure of Family Courts and the jurisdiction of Family Courts. The Act also contains provisions for the service of process and for the enforcement of orders of Family Courts.

Evidence before Family Courts.

The West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964 was passed to make provision for the establishment of Family Courts for the expeditious settlement and disposal of disputes relating to marriage, divorce, dower, maintenance, guardianship, custody of children and adoption. The Act provides that the provisions of the Evidence Act and Code of Civil Procedure shall not apply to proceedings before a Family Court. The Court is deemed to be a District Court for the purposes of appearance through agents. The Act also lays down rules regarding investment of powers of Magistrates in certain cases.

Orders which may be made by Family Courts.

The West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964 was passed in order to make provision for the establishment of family courts for the expeditious settlement and disposal of disputes relating to marriage, divorce, alimony, judicial separation, guardianship, custody of children and other matters connected therewith. The act provides that the court shall have all the powers of a district court under the Guardian and Wards Act for the purpose of adjudicating upon any matter falling within its jurisdiction. It also empowers the court to make such orders as it may deem fit for the welfare of the children.

Enforcement of orders of Family Courts.

The Family Courts Act, 1964 is a beneficial legislation which provides for the establishment of Family Courts for the expeditious settlement and disposal of disputes relating to marriage, divorce, custody, guardianship, alimony and maintenance. The Act also provides for the enforcement of orders of Family Courts.

The West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964 was passed in order to make provision for the establishment of family courts for the expeditious settlement and disposal of disputes relating to marriage, divorce, matrimonial property, alimony, guardianship and custody of children. The act also provides for the jurisdiction and powers of family courts, as well as the procedure to be followed by them.

Section 4: Appointment of Family Court Judges

The West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964 was enacted on 18th July 1964 to provide the provisions for establishment of family courts, to expedite the

The original name of the Act was West Pakistan Family Courts Act 1964 Section 14 of the Act made it mandatory for the Court of appeal to decide the

The Family Courts (Amendment) Act 2015 (AA of 2015) amends for the use of audio-video recordings as evidence: The Family Court shall

Section 5: Qualifications for appointment as Family Court Judge

The West Pakistan Family Courts Act,1964 was enacted on 18th July 1964 to provide the provisions for establishment of family courts, to expedite the

The main object of this Act is to make special provision for the trial of certain matrimonial cases and for the matters ancillary or incidental thereto with a view to promote conciliation and settlement of disputes. The Act provides for the establishment of Family Courts in every district of West Pakistan.

Section 6: Terms and conditions of service of Family Court Judges

The Family Courts Act is designed to provide a quick and effective resolution to disputes relating to marriage, divorce, custody of children and other family matters. The Act provides for the establishment of Family Courts, which are presided over by Judges who have the necessary qualifications and experience in dealing with such matters. The terms and conditions of service of Family Court Judges are set out in the Act, and include a provision for the payment of a salary or honorarium, as well as other allowances and benefits.

Section 7: Removal from office of Family Court Judge

The West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964 was enacted to provide for the establishment of family courts and to expedite the disposal of cases relating to marriage, divorce, dower, maintenance, custody of children and such other matters as may be referred to them by any law for the time being in force. The Act also provides for the appointment of a woman judge for each district.

Section 8: Functions of Family Courts

The Family Courts Act of 1964 was created to help couples resolve disputes relating to marriage, divorce, and other family matters. The Act aimed to provide a more expeditious and effective way to settle these disputes. The Family Courts were given the authority to hear cases and make decisions on matters such as alimony, child custody, and property division.

Section 9: Jurisdiction of Family Courts

The West Pakistan Family Courts Act,1964 was enacted on 18th July 1964 to provide the provisions for establishment of family courts, to expedite the

The Family Courts (Amendment) Act 2015 (AA of 2015) amends the Family Courts Act 1964, Act
The West Pakistan Family Courts Act,1964 was enacted on 18th July 1964 to provide the provisions for establishment of family courts. The main purpose of this act is to adjudicate upon and settle disputes relating to marriage and family affairs in an efficient and expeditious manner. The court has jurisdiction over all matters pertaining to marriage, divorce, custody of children, alimony and maintenance.

Section 10: Transfer of proceedings from one Family Court to another

The purpose of the West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964 Section 10 is to transfer proceedings from one Family Court to another. This is important in order to ensure that cases are heard by the most appropriate court and to avoid any delay in the administration of justice.



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