Family Laws Pakistan Laws

What are the Rights of Husbands in Pakistan?

Are you a husband in Pakistan who wants to know more about your rights under family law? Do you feel like you’re not aware of what your rights are? If so, this blog post is for you! We will discuss the different rights that husbands have under Pakistan family laws, so that you can make sure that your rights are being respected.

Overview of Pakistan Family Laws

Pakistan Family Laws provide a legal framework for the regulation of family relationships such as marriage, divorce, custody, and inheritance. The law is based on Islamic principles and provides specific rights to husbands.

Under Pakistani family laws, husbands have the right to grant talaq (divorce) to their wives. This is an inalienable right that cannot be delegated or transferred to someone else. The husband can also practice polygamy under Pakistani laws by obtaining permission from the court. In addition, he has the right of inheritance of grandchildren from his deceased wife’s side of the family.

The Muslim Family Laws Ordinance 1961 was introduced after 1947’s partition in order to reform legislation relating to personal status and Muslim family law. This ordinance provided certain rights to women as well including the right of divorce if stated in her nikahnama (marriage contract).

Overall, Pakistan Family Laws are designed with Islamic principles in mind and provide certain rights for husbands such as granting talaq (divorce), practicing polygamy with court permission, and inheriting grandchildren from his deceased wife’s side of the family.

Legal Rights of Husbands Under the Law of Pakistan?

Under the laws of Pakistan, husbands have a number of legal rights. These include the right to divorce, the right to marital property and assets, and the right to assert their conjugal rights. The Constitution of Pakistan guarantees the rights of husbands under the law, while Muslim family laws also provide protection for these rights.

Husbands have a unilateral right to divorce their wives, which can be restricted only if both parties agree in writing that it should be so. In addition, where a husband decides to divorce his wife he must inform her as soon as possible after talaq has been pronounced.

Under Pakistani law, husbands also have certain rights over marital property and assets acquired during marriage. This includes ownership over any real estate or other assets purchased during marriage and control over inheritance when one spouse passes away.

In addition, there are certain protections in place for husbands with regard to asserting their conjugal rights under Muslim family laws. A seven-member Commission on Marriage and Family Laws was established in 1955 which delegated this right in nikahnama (clause 18). This entitles wives to the same rights as those provided to husbands under Pakistani law when it comes to asserting their conjugal rights within marriage.

The institution of marriage protects men’s legal right to have their wives living with them unless there is an earlier suit for restitution of conjugal rights filed by either party against one another or unless otherwise specified in mutual agreement between spouses

Right to Obtain Divorce from Wife

Under Pakistani family laws, a husband has the right to obtain divorce from his wife by pronouncing Talaq. This form of divorce is known as Talaq-e-Tafweez, and it allows the husband to grant the right for the wife to pronounce divorce upon herself. The husband must provide written notice of talaq after announcing it in whatever form.

In addition, a husband can file a suit for dissolution of marriage with a court before the Family Courts. Upon granting such rights, both spouses have legal and religious rights to pursue dissolution of marriage.

The death of either spouse automatically dissolves the marriage, unless other arrangements have been made prior to death.

Right to Maintenance from Wife

Under Pakistani family laws, husbands have the right to receive maintenance from their wives. This right is enshrined in the Muslim Family Law and West Pakistan Family Court Act 1964. According to these laws, a husband has an inalienable legal right to receive maintenance from his wife. This includes financial support for day-to-day expenses such as food, clothing, and shelter. Additionally, a husband is entitled to medical care from his wife if required.

In addition, husbands also have the right to divorce their wives as mentioned in Column 18 of the Nikahnama. This allows them to issue a Talaq-e-Tafweez in order to end the marriage without needing consent from their wives. Furthermore, Pakistani family laws also state that it is the responsibility of the father/husband to maintain his child and wife if they are in need of financial assistance or other forms of support. If either party has been deprived of their rights under these laws then they can file a suit for recovery of the maintenance amount through the court system.

All in all, Pakistani family laws provide husbands with certain rights when it comes to receiving maintenance from their wives as well as being able to legally divorce them if necessary. These rights ensure that men are not left unsupported by their spouse should they require any form of financial assistance or other forms of help during marriage or upon divorce.

Right to Matrimonial Property

Under Pakistan family laws, husbands have certain rights to matrimonial property. Husbands are entitled to a share in all assets acquired during the marriage, and may claim half of any property purchased or owned jointly with their wife. They also have a right to maintain possession of any assets that were gifted to them by their wife. Additionally, husbands are allowed to demand compensation for any services they performed during the marriage. Upon dissolution of the marriage, husbands also have the right to receive alimony payments and other financial benefits from their former spouse. Furthermore, they can seek court-ordered division of property in cases where there is no agreement between them and their spouses regarding matrimonial asset distribution. Finally, they have a right to legal representation if necessary in order to protect their interests when it comes to matrimonial disputes and claims related to matrimonial assets.

Right to Have Access to Children

Under Pakistan family law, husbands have the right to have access to their children. This is usually granted through court orders or by consent of both parties. Depending on the circumstances, a father may be granted visitation rights or even joint legal custody. In addition, fathers may be able to obtain child support from their ex-wives if necessary. Fathers also have the right to appeal any court decisions that are not in their favor and can take their case to higher courts if they feel they are being unfairly treated.

-Right to Have Control Over Wife’s Property

Under Pakistan family laws, husbands have the right to have control over their wives’ properties. This means that the husband can decide how to use or allocate his wife’s properties such as her income and possessions. He may also be able to approve or deny any requests for loans, mortgages, and other financial transactions involving his wife’s property. Furthermore, he has authority over decisions regarding investments made with his wife’s money and assets. Additionally, in case of death of the wife, the husband is entitled to receive her inheritance as per Islamic laws. This is called ‘mahar’ which is a payment that a husband must pay to his bride at the time of marriage as per customary practice in some parts of Pakistan.

-Right to Seek Restitution for Breach of Promise of Marriage

Under Pakistani family law, husbands have the right to seek restitution for breach of promise of marriage. When a woman fails to fulfill her promise of marriage to a man, he can take legal action against her and seek monetary compensation. This is done through the Muslim Family Law Ordinance (MFLO) of 1961, which introduced reforms concerning the registration of marriages and divorces, inheritance rights of spouses, and other matters related to family law. Additionally, it provides husbands with the means to file for damages if their intended wife breaches her promise or when there is evidence that a fraudulent marriage certificate was created in order to exploit them. The court may award the husband a sum that reflects his expenses related to preparation for the wedding as well as any other loss or damage suffered due to breach of contract. It should be noted that this form of restitution is only applicable in cases where both parties are from the same country or origin and not between different nationalities. In such cases, laws from both countries must be taken into consideration while seeking damages for breach of promise.

-Right to Rescind Gifts Given in Marriage

Under Pakistan family laws, husbands have the right to rescind gifts given in marriage. This includes bridal gifts given in the form of movable property or expenses incurred on her wedding. In order for a husband to be able to recall these gifts, he must propose the action with tact and encouragement as an ordinary spouse would do. If a woman has received a decree of dissolution of marriage based on khula, then she is free to return any unpaid bridal gifts to her husband. The law also sets out the value of presents that can be exchanged at the time of marriage. It is important to note that not all marriages are recognized under Pakistani law, and only those solemnized in accordance with prescribed rules and rites will be valid. Therefore, it is essential for couples to seek legal advice before making any decisions regarding marriage rights and obligations.

-Right To Demand Performance From Wife

Under Pakistan’s family laws, husbands have the right to demand performance from their wives. This includes the right to require that they fulfill their marital obligations, such as providing financial support and taking care of household chores. The law also gives husbands the right to seek a divorce if their wife fails to meet these requirements. Additionally, husbands are given the power to make decisions regarding the upbringing of children and access to medical care or education. Husbands should be aware that in cases where physical or mental abuse is present, this right may be forfeited by court order.

-Right To Claim Dowery From Wife’s Family

Under Pakistan family laws, husbands have a right to claim dowery from their wife’s family. Dowery is a payment made by the bride’s family to the groom or his family, and it is commonly used as part of marriage arrangements in many parts of the world. In Pakistan, dowery typically includes items such as jewelry, furniture, clothing and other items that are given to the groom’s family.

The husband has a legal right to demand dowery from his wife’s family if it is not paid at the time of marriage. This means that if there are any disputes regarding whether proper dowery was paid or not, then the husband can file for a suit for possession in order to receive what he believes he is owed. Furthermore, if the wife does not pay her husband’s rightful amount of dowery then he can also file for maintenance allowance from her as well.

In addition, Muslim law entitles women married under this law to obtain a decree for dissolution of their marriage if they can prove that they were either not provided with their rightful amount of dowery or that any alternative arrangements made instead were inadequate or non-existent.

Overall, husbands have various rights when it comes to claiming dowery under Pakistan Family Laws and should consider exercising them when necessary in order to ensure fair treatment and justice within marital relationships.

-Rights with Respect To Adultery and Desertion

Under the Pakistan family laws, husbands have certain rights with respect to adultery and desertion. Adultery is considered a violation of marriage vows and is punishable under Pakistani law. If a husband suspects that his wife has committed adultery, he can file for a divorce and seek damages from the alleged adulterer. Additionally, if the husband deserts his wife without any reasonable cause or permission, the wife can seek compensation from her husband in court. Furthermore, if a woman deserts her husband without reasonable cause or permission then she may be liable for punishment according to Pakistani law.

-Rights With Respect To Dowry and Alimony

Under Pakistan family laws, husbands have certain rights with respect to dowry and alimony. Husbands may receive a certain amount of money as “dower” from their wife’s family at the time of marriage. This is to ensure financial security for the husband in case of divorce or death of the wife. Additionally, if a husband and wife separate, the husband may be entitled to receive alimony payments from his wife’s family or from his own family depending on which court rules on the issue. The amount is determined based on various factors including income and assets owned by both parties.

-Additional Rights Available For Husbands in Pakistan

Under Pakistani family laws, husbands have several rights available to them. These include the right to divorce and restitution of conjugal rights, protection from defamation or slander, and dissolution of marriage with the right to claim some form of dower.

Husbands may delegate the right to divorce while contracting marriage as per paragraph 18 of the Nikahnama, which allows wives a right to divorce if not specified otherwise. Restitution of Conjugal Rights in Pakistan is filed when a marriage is usually on the brink of the end and requires either party to resume their marital duties. Further, if dissolution of marriage is demanded by the wife (Khula), she is not entitled to any dower and husband has no right to her property after this.

The law also gives husbands protection from defamation or slander from anyone including his wife. The court may grant dissolution if it finds that a wife is disinclined or unwilling to live with him or marry a second wife leaving his first wife alone and in peace.

Husbands also have certain general legal rights available under Family Laws such as those related to maintenance claims that can be made by his spouse during their marriage. In addition, Muslim men are allowed multiple wives under Pakistani law although they must treat each one equally with respect both financially and emotionally.


In conclusion, the rights of husbands under Pakistani family laws are mainly concerned with their responsibilities as a provider for the family. This includes providing for the upkeep of the wife and children, as well as ensuring that their rights to property and other assets are respected. In addition, men have a right to marry multiple wives if they obtain permission from a court of law, and in some cases may even be allowed to dissolve a marriage through mutual agreement. The Constitution of Pakistan guarantees these rights and also safeguards the rights of women in marriage by allowing them access to property earned through themselves and deriving from other sources.



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