Bare Act P.P.C Pakistan Laws Pakistan Penal Code

Basic Knowledge of Pakistan Penal Code 1860

Are you looking to learn more about the legal system in Pakistan? Do you want to understand the laws that govern its citizens? If so, then look no further than Pakistan Penal Code 1860. In this blog post, we’ll provide an overview of what it is, why it’s important and the basics of how to use it.


The Pakistan Penal Code of 1860, commonly known as PPC, is the main criminal code of Pakistan. It was originally prepared by Lord Macaulay and is a comprehensive code intended to cover all substantive aspects of criminal law. The PPC outlines the scope of punishment for offences committed within Pakistan, including detailed definitions of various crimes and penalties for their commission. It also provides details on who can be held responsible for committing an offence, as well as the procedures that must be followed in order to prosecute someone for a crime. In addition to outlining punishments, the PPC also outlines duties that are expected from government officers such as police officers in relation to preventing crime and providing information about offences that come to their knowledge. Understanding the basic principles and provisions outlined in the PPC is essential for anyone living or working in Pakistan.

General Explanation

The Pakistan Penal Code 1860 is the main criminal code of Pakistan and it covers all substantive aspects of criminal law. It provides a comprehensive list of offences, punishments and penalties that can be imposed for committing an offence in Pakistan. The PPC defines the different types of offences, such as murder, wrongful confinement, sexual abuse and dacoity. Additionally, it specifies the various punishments for these offences including imprisonment, fines or both. For example, a person convicted of murder in any place in Pakistan may face punishment through imprisonment for life or death sentence. On the other hand, a person who is convicted of sexual abuse or dacoity may face punishment with imprisonment up to seven years. Furthermore, police officers who apprehend without warrant are not guilty if they do so because they were forced by threat of death by a gang of dacoits. Therefore it is important to have basic knowledge about the provisions outlined in the PPC to ensure compliance with Pakistani laws and regulations when committing any offence within its jurisdiction.

Offences Against the State

The Pakistan Penal Code 1860 (PPC) is the main criminal code of Pakistan. It contains provisions relating to offences against the state and provides punishments for acts of mischief such as damage to property or killing. The law requires that a person shall not inflict a greater degree of punishment than is equal to the crime committed. In qisas, equality of quantum of crime and punishment is strictly adhered to. For example, if a soldier fires on a mob by order of his superior officer in conformity with the commands of the law, he will be liable for punishment under this code and not otherwise. Furthermore, if a person is at work with a hatchet and the head flies off and kills someone who is standing by, then if there was no want of proper caution on the part of that person he/she will be liable for punishment under this code too. The PPC thus provides basic knowledge about offences against the state in Pakistan and corresponding punishments for them.

Offences Affecting the Human Body

The Pakistan Penal Code 1860 defines offences that affect the human body. These offences include those which cause pain, harm, disease, infianity or injury and impairing, disabling, disfiguring, defacing or dismembering a person. It also covers culpable homicide as well as causing death by rash or negligent driving of any vehicle or riding on any public way not amounting to culpable homicide.

In addition to these offences the code also provides for the right of private defence of the body which can extend up to causing death in certain situations. Furthermore it is important to note that this Act does not repeal nor vary any provisions of any other law in Pakistan. Finally it should be noted that police officers are exempted from liability for wrongful confinement if they apprehend someone who has committed a murder without warrant.

Offences Relating to Property

The Pakistan Penal Code 1860 (hereinafter referred to as the Penal Code) provides punishment for offences relating to property. It is important to have a basic understanding of these laws in order to know your rights and responsibilities when it comes to property.

Section 88 of the Penal Code states that the property of an absconding person can be attached by law. In cases where a sentence of death has been passed against an offender convicted for an offence such as qatl, the Court may order forfeiture or alienation of any part or whole of his property, depending on the circumstances.

When criminal acts are committed by several persons with criminal knowledge or intention, each person shall be liable for each offence individually. Additionally, references to “property” in any law creating an offence in relation to property include information systems and data as well.

It is important to be aware of these laws so that you can ensure your rights and responsibilities when it comes to protecting your own property as well as that of others.

Offences Connected with Religion

Pakistan Penal Code 1860 (PPC) is an important legal document that outlines offences related to religion. According to the PPC, any act or omission that causes disturbance to any assembly lawfully engaged in the performance of religious worship or ceremonies is a punishable offence. In addition, Section 295 of PPC states that anyone found intentionally desecrating a place of worship with the intention of insulting the religion of any class will be punished. It also prohibits acts such as severance of ties with the religion of Islam through explicit or implicit expressions of unbelief. The Indian Penal Code 1860 was the first law in India that introduced blasphemy as a criminal offence and punishments prescribed for this offence are more severe than those awarded for other criminal offences. It is therefore important for everyone living in Pakistan to have basic knowledge about offences related to religion as outlined in PPC 1860.

Criminal Mischief and Criminal Trespass

Pakistan Penal Code 1860 (PPC) is the main criminal code of Pakistan and it covers all substantive aspects of criminal law. Criminal mischief and criminal trespass are two offences falling under the definition of PPC.

Criminal mischief involves an act which causes damage to property, or interferes with its lawful use, with a criminal knowledge or intention. It is punishable by imprisonment for up to three years, and/or a fine up to 10 thousand rupees.

Criminal trespass occurs when someone enters into the property in possession of another person with the intent to commit an offence or intimidate, insult or annoy that person. Punishment for this offence includes imprisonment for up to three months and/or a fine up to five hundred rupees. The right of private defence against any act which is an offence falling under the definition of theft, robbery, mischief or criminal trespass continues as long as the offender continues in commission of such offence. Furthermore, introduction of any part of the criminal trespasser’s body is entering sufficient to constitute house trespass.

Forgery, Counterfeiting and Personation

The Pakistan Penal Code 1860 (PPC) is the main criminal code of Pakistan, providing comprehensive coverage of all substantive aspects of criminal law. It contains provisions related to forgery, counterfeiting and personation that are punishable by law.

Forging refers to the fabrication of documents or other objects with the intent to deceive or defraud. Counterfeiting involves making a copy of an object with the intention to pass it off as an original. Personation is a crime in which an individual impersonates another person without their knowledge or authorization.

Under Section 465 of the PPC, forgery is punishable by imprisonment for up to two years or a fine, or both. Section 489A also states that anyone found guilty of counterfeiting currency notes or bank notes can be fined and/or jailed. Finally, Section 503 defines personation as a cognizable offence and carries a jail sentence of up to three years as well as a fine.

Therefore, it is important for individuals in Pakistan to understand the implications and consequences associated with such offences so they can avoid committing them.

Public Nuisances

Pakistan Penal Code of 1860 is the main criminal code of Pakistan which covers all substantive aspects of criminal law. It includes provisions for punishing those who commit public nuisances, which are acts that cause harm or inconvenience to the public. Public nuisance can be either public or private. Section 91 provides a special remedy with regard to public nuisance only. A person is not deprived of their right to private defence against an act done or attempted by a public servant as such, wearing garb or carrying token used by a public servant with fraudulent intent. Those found guilty of committing a public nuisance can be fined up to two hundred rupees and/or sentenced up to three months in prison. It is important for citizens and residents of Pakistan to be aware of the laws regarding Public Nuisance set forth in the Pakistan Penal Code so they can ensure they do not break any laws unknowingly and remain safe from legal repercussions.

Offences Relating to Marriage

The Pakistan Penal Code, 1860 (PPC) lays down the offences related to marriage and the corresponding punishments. These offences include going through a marriage ceremony with fraudulent intention, coercing or compelling a woman to enter into marriage, and also includes aggravated forms of offences like rape and gang rape. Each offender will be punished in accordance with the severity of their offence; with punishments ranging from imprisonment of various periods as well as fines depending on the value of property or animals involved. It is important for people to understand these laws so that they can abide by them and keep themselves out of trouble.

Defamation and Assault

Pakistan Penal Code 1860 (“PPC”) has strong provisions in criminal law against defamation and assault. Under the PPC, any person who makes a false statement or representation which causes damage to the reputation of another person is liable to be punished with imprisonment for up to two years or a fine, or both. Similarly, assault is also punishable under PPC, with imprisonment extending up to two years or a fine, or both.

Section 499 of PPC defines defamation as any act done by words either spoken or intended to be read, signs, visible representations which are calculated to harm the reputation of any person other than the one making it. Section 500 provides punishment for defamation as imprisonment for up to two years or a fine, or both. Additionally, Section 506 states that whoever commits criminal intimidation can face imprisonment up to two years along with a fine.

Under Section 384 of PPC, whoever commits extortion shall be punished with imprisonment extending up to three years and is liable for a fine as well. Moreover, Section 352 provides that anyone who uses criminal force against another person can face imprisonment ranging from six months up to two years along with a fine.

It is important for everyone in Pakistan understand and abide by Pakistan Penal Code 1860 so that no one violates laws related to crimes such as defamation and assault which are punishable offenses according to Pakistani law.

Fraudulent Deeds and Dispositions of Property

The Pakistan Penal Code (PPC) of 1860 provides the basic knowledge of fraudulent deeds and dispositions of property. Under this code, any act that is done with criminal intent or knowledge is considered a criminal offense. This includes the wrongful loss or gain of property, dishonest or fraudulent removal or concealment of property to prevent distribution among rightful claimants, or any other act which is an offence falling under the PPC.

Any person who commits such an offence can be held liable for their actions and faces legal consequences as per PPC provisions. As per Section 421, anyone found guilty of fraudulently removing property can face imprisonment of up to two years and/or fine. It should also be noted that when multiple people are involved in committing a crime, each one will be held responsible for their own actions.

Therefore, it is important to understand the implications of fraudulent deeds and dispositions of property according to the Pakistan Penal Code so that individuals are aware of possible legal consequences for such behaviour.

False Evidence and Perjury

The Pakistan Penal Code 1860 (PPC) contains many offences dealing with false evidence and perjury. False evidence is defined as a person making a statement or submitting any document that they know to be false with the intention of misleading someone or causing harm to another. Perjury is defined as intentionally giving false testimony while under oath in a court of law. The maximum punishment for these offences in the PPC is seven years’ imprisonment and/or a fine up to fifty thousand rupees.

Section 191 of the PPC explains that giving false evidence includes providing information known to be false, offering an insult or causing interruption to any public servant while they are conducting their duties, fabricating evidence, or preventing someone from providing legitimate evidence. It also states that officers of the government whose duty it is to prevent offences and give information about them are subject to this section.

The Qanoon-e-Shahadat Ordinance 1984 (QSO) sets out how witnesses should provide testimony in court proceedings through rules such as taking an oath before appearing in court and being cross-examined by the opposite party. It also outlines punishments for those who provide false testimony, which can include simple imprisonment for up to one month, or a fine not exceeding fifty rupees, or both.

It is important for people involved in legal proceedings to be aware of Pakistan’s laws regarding perjury and false evidence so that they can make informed decisions when presenting

Receiving Stolen Property & Harbouring Criminals

The Pakistan Penal Code 1860 provides a wide range of punishments for those who receive stolen property or harbour criminals. According to Section 402 D, anyone found guilty of harbouring a hijacker will be subject to punishment. Similarly, Section 373 covers the buying of minors for purposes such as prostitution, and Section 380 deals with theft in dwelling houses. Anyone charged under Section 410 (stolen property) or 411 (criminal misappropriation) can face life imprisonment with hard labour.

In addition, if an act is criminal because it is committed with criminal knowledge or intention, each person involved can be held liable under the law. Theft is defined as taking another’s movable property without their consent and with an intention to dishonestly keep it permanently. Extortion is when one person obtains money or property from another through force or threat of violence; robbery involves taking away someone else’s property by force or intimidation; and dacoity involves five or more people committing a robbery together in order to share the spoils.

It is important to note that mere taking possession of stolen goods may not necessarily constitute criminal appropriation – it must involve some form of deception on the part of the accused in order for them to be guilty under this section.


The Pakistan Penal Code (PPC) of 1860 is the main criminal code in Pakistan and one of the most important pieces of legislation governing criminal law. It covers all substantive aspects of criminal activity, including offenses related to murder, theft, robbery, and other crimes. The fines for offenses specified by the PPC have not been revised and are still based on the value of currency when it was enacted in 1860. By understanding basic knowledge about the PPC, individuals can be aware of their rights and duties within society.



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