Divorce Law Family Laws Pakistan Laws

Rights of Wife After Divorce in Pakistan

Are you or someone you know going through a divorce in Pakistan? If so, it’s important to understand the rights of wives after divorce in this country. This blog post will explain some of the laws that protect women’s rights and provide resources for those seeking legal assistance. Read on to learn more!


Introduction: In Pakistan, a wife has certain rights upon the dissolution of her marriage. These rights include the right to receive property from her husband at the time of divorce, and the right to exercise Talaq-e-Tafweez without the consent of her husband. However, Pakistani law does not recognize a woman’s rights to a matrimonial home or property acquired during marriage. The court may require a woman to give valid reasons for wanting divorce before granting it. It is important for women in Pakistan to understand their legal rights following divorce in order to protect themselves and ensure that they are properly compensated for their sacrifices during marriage.

Right to Maintenance

In Pakistan, a wife is legally entitled to claim maintenance after a divorce. This right to maintenance is derived from the Family Law of Pakistan and is available regardless of the type of marriage. Upon dissolution of marriage, the wife can seek deferred dower and maintenance during her iddat period (three months). The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act 1986 provides further protection for the rights of divorced wives. According to this act, if a husband does not provide his wife with her entitlements, she may file a suit for recovery of the amount in court. Additionally, Section 18 of the Nikahnama allows a wife to obtain divorce through Talaq-e-Tafweez if she wishes to do so. As such, it is important for married women in Pakistan to be aware of their legal rights and obligations after a divorce so that they are able to receive their due entitlements.

Right to Residence

In Pakistan, a wife has the right to stay in the marital home for a period of three months following divorce. This is known as the Right to Residence. During this period she is entitled to receive maintenance from her former husband, provided that she does not remarry during this time. Additionally, she can also seek help from her family or local authorities in order to ensure that her rights are protected and enforced. After these three months have passed, the wife must vacate the marital home and may be liable for any damages caused by her occupancy.

The wife also has other rights even after divorce such as access to shared assets, including bank accounts and property owned by both parties before marriage. Furthermore, if there was an agreement made between the couple before marriage regarding division of assets upon divorce then it must be respected and adhered to strictly by both parties. In addition, depending on whether there were children born out of wedlock or not, a woman may be entitled to alimony payments from her former husband in order to support herself and any children she may have had with him prior to the dissolution of their marriage.

Right to Child Custody

In Pakistan, the right to child custody is granted to the mother after divorce or khula. This right is known as hizanat and it typically lasts until the child reaches seven years old. After that, the father can file a petition in the guardian court to gain custody of the minor. Even if a wife does not have legal rights over her husband in terms of divorce, she has recourse to file for khula before a family court of law in order to obtain judicial approval for her request. Ultimately, while legally the child belongs to their father after divorce or khula procedure in Pakistan, it is advisably that both parents maintain an amicable relationship with one another for their child’s benefit and well-being.

Right to Dowry Articles or Jewellery

In Pakistan, a wife has the right to claim dowry articles or jewellery upon divorce. This right is stated in Section 5 of the West Pakistan Family Courts Act (XXXV of 1964). The bridal gifts given to a wife in the form of dowry/jahaiz are exclusive property of the wife before and after marriage. When the marriage is dissolved, she has the right to be compensated for these items according to their market value.

If a husband divorces his wife after having consummated the marriage with her, then she deserves full compensation for all dowry articles or jewellery. This includes any gold ornaments that were part of her bridal gifts. The Nikah Nama (marriage contract) outlines this right as well and will remain regardless of when/why the divorce occurs.

A divorced wife may file suit for recovery of dower and dowry articles in court if necessary. The family court will decree the amount due and if contested by the husband, they may modify it during trial. If successful, they can receive compensation from their ex-husband for any gold ornaments given at marriage as part of their bridal gifts.

Right of Inheritance

In Pakistan, divorce is a difficult process and the rights of wife after divorce can be confusing. The Constitution of Pakistan (1973) grants women the right to inherit property from their father, however in case she dies issueless, all she had received from her father would revert to his heirs. Under Muslim family laws there is no provision for financial protection upon divorce for Muslim women, despite the question of post-divorce maintenance.

The Married Women’s Property Act 1874 grants women the right to separate property and taking legal proceedings in her own name. Additionally spouses legal right to dissolve marriage contract is also recognized in Islam and hence both are entitled with a religious right to do so. A woman will have the right to divorce if she wishes to under Section 18 of the Nikahnama known as Talaq-e-Tafweez. The apex court’s division bench, headed by Justice Isa also noted that a husband cannot ‘guarantee’ or encumber his wife’s property without her permission.

Overall, Pakistani women have several rights when it comes to inheritance and after divorce including having separate property rights and taking legal proceedings in their own name as well as being able to dissolve a marriage contract through talaq-e-tafweez if they wish. However there is still lack of awareness surrounding these issues which should be addressed in order for these rights to be fully utilised by all Pakistani women.

Right of Mutual Consent Divorce (Khula) -Right to Protection from Domestic Violence

-Right to Custody of Children
In Pakistan, a wife who has been divorced through mutual consent (Khula) is entitled to certain rights. This includes the right to protection from domestic violence and the right of custody of any children that may have resulted from the marriage. The wife also has the right to receive financial support from her ex-husband in order to provide for herself and any children she may have had during their marriage. These rights are enshrined in Pakistani law, and should be respected by all parties involved in a divorce proceeding.

-Right Regarding Divorce Proceedings

In Pakistan, women have the right to initiate divorce proceedings and be a part of the process. According to the Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act 1939, women can file for judicial khula without their husband’s consent if they are willing to forego any financial or other rights they may have. Women also have the right to select their delegates or legal counselors and take part in arbitration council proceedings. During these proceedings, both parties will be provided with a copy of the divorce deed and will be given an opportunity to present their case before a Union Council. Finally, a divorce certificate can be issued by either the Family Court or Arbitration Council.

-Right to Initiate Legal Action Against Husband

In Pakistan, a woman has the right to initiate legal action against her husband if she wishes to file for divorce. This includes filing for fault-based divorces which can be contested and may involve allegations of collusion of the parties, or condonation, connivance, or provocation by the other. Women have the right to challenge their husbands’ rescinding orders in court and may be able to nullify them.

Women are also protected under Section 2 of the Divorce Act which requires that there should be a definite finding that both parties were domiciled in India at the time when they decided to separate. This ensures that women are given due consideration and protection during divorce proceedings.

Furthermore, women have the right to receive support from their husbands after a divorce is finalized under Pakistani laws. The Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act provides stipulations on how much support must be paid depending on various factors such as income and liabilities of both partners.

Overall, Pakistani law provides numerous rights for wives after a divorce such as initiating legal action against their husbands, challenging rescinded orders in court, and receiving financial support from them post-divorce.

-Right To Claim Financial Compensation From Husband

In Pakistan, the right to claim financial compensation from a husband after divorce is an important right for women. This right is based on the principles of equity and justice which are enshrined in Islam. According to Sharia law, if a husband divorces his wife without any reason or justification, she can claim financial compensation from him in the form of mahr (dower) or nafaqa (maintenance).

The right to claim such financial compensation extends to all women regardless of their religion and irrespective of whether they were divorced by mutual consent or through court proceedings. The amount of financial compensation varies depending on the circumstances surrounding the divorce but generally should be sufficient for the wife to maintain her lifestyle after divorce.

In addition, women who have been subjected to abuse during marriage may also be entitled to additional compensation from their husbands. This could include medical expenses incurred due to injuries suffered as well as damages for emotional trauma caused by physical or mental abuse.

It is important that women know their rights after divorce so that they can take steps towards claiming what is rightfully theirs. It is also important for them to seek legal advice so that they can understand how best to make use of these rights in order to receive the financial compensation they deserve.

-Right Regarding Islamic Laws on Divorce

In Pakistan, Islamic laws on divorce provide the wife with certain rights. Under the Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act 1939, a wife can seek judicial khula without her husband’s consent if she is willing to forgo her rights. This ordinance also provides for the maintenance of children and wives after divorce and talaq. In addition, a state-run Pakistani council has proposed an amendment to the country’s Islam-based family laws, seeking punishment for a man if he divorces his wife without any valid reason.

The Muslim Family Law Ordinance makes a distinction between husbands and wives in terms of grounds on which they may obtain divorce. A Christian husband may file for divorce based on adultery or desertion by his wife, while a Muslim husband is only allowed to do so if his wife commits an offense such as infidelity or disobedient behavior.

Furthermore, International Islamic University Islamabad – Department of Law states that if the wife is divorced by her husband or she has asked for it then she is entitled to receive monetary compensation from him known as Mehr (dowry). The amount should be specified in the marriage contract and must not be less than 10% of her total asset value at the time of marriage. Additionally, the court may order alimony payments depending upon her financial needs post-divorce.

Overall, it is important to note that Pakistani laws protect women’s rights in cases of divorce even though there are some disparities between men

-Right To Keep the Children’s Passport With Her

In Pakistan, the rights of a wife after divorce are often overlooked. One of these rights is the right to keep her children’s passport with her. After a divorce, a woman is entitled to retain all documents related to her children, including their passport. This ensures that she can maintain control over them and protect their interests, even if the children remain with their father or another guardian.

A woman should ensure that any court orders relating to custody provide for this right explicitly. If an order does not specify that the mother has the right to keep her children’s passport with her, she can apply for it directly from the Pakistani embassy in the relevant country. She should also be aware of any restrictions on travel imposed by Pakistani law or court orders when applying for a visa or other travel document on behalf of herself and/or her children.

In addition, if a woman who is married to a Pakistani national applies for citizenship in order to stay in Pakistan after getting divorced from her husband, she should submit Form F at Hqrs Islamabad along with a valid passport issued in Sunday Times News once she has replaced her husband’s name from it. Furthermore, if there is ever an issue regarding custody of their child/children, both parents can seek an injunction from the court in order to protect their parental rights .

Finally, Emergency Travel Documents (ETDs) and Emergency Travel are also available for those who need them . It is important for

-Right To Have a Say in Child’s Education and Religion

In Pakistan, the rights of a wife after divorce are governed by Islamic law and family law. Under these laws, wives have certain rights that must be respected by their former husbands. One such right is the right to have a say in the education and religion of any children born during the marriage. This means that a divorced wife has the right to determine what religious education her children will receive, as well as what type of schooling they will pursue. Additionally, she has the right to decide whether her children should observe Islamic customs and practice in their daily lives. In essence, a divorced wife retains many of her parental rights even after divorce, including those related to her child’s religious upbringing.


In conclusion, the rights of a wife after divorce in Pakistan are outlined in the Family Law and Nikahnama. The wife is entitled to maintenance, bridal gifts given in dowry/jahaiz, and may remarry her husband even if the divorce was initiated by her. However, new strict laws for divorce between husbands and wives were implemented in court which requires women to give a valid reason for wanting a divorce. Furthermore, Islam provides financial protection for women during marriage and upon divorce. Therefore, it is important for couples to understand their rights before getting married or going through a divorce process.



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