Code of Criminal Procedure Criminal Laws Pakistan Laws

How do I Register FIR in Pakistan?

Are you looking for a way to file an official complaint in Pakistan? Are you not sure how to go about it? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back! In this blog post, we will be discussing the process of registering a First Information Report (FIR) in Pakistan. Read on to learn all you need to know and get started today.

What is FIR?

Filing an FIR is an important step to seek justice for a crime or offense in Pakistan. It is the first document prepared by police when they receive information about a cognizable offense. An FIR must be drafted in the prescribed format and submitted to the Justice of Peace or Police Station. AAGAHI is a public service campaign with an aim to provide awareness and facilitate citizens in filing FIRs quickly and easily. Rao Noushad was present at Zila Kacheri Lahore and provided assistance with drafting and submitting the initial application before the Justice of Peace or Police Station. The FIR should be recorded within one hour of occurrence of the crime, which proves its genuineness and can be used as evidence in court. Registration of FIR is crucial for ensuring proper administration of criminal justice system in Pakistan.

What is the Purpose of Filing an FIR?

Filing an FIR in Pakistan is a right that should be exercised if you have witnessed or been the victim of a cognizable offence. It is important to take this step to initiate the legal process and ensure justice is served. The procedure for filing an FIR is prescribed in Section 154 of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 and must be done within one hour of the offence being committed. The FIR must be recorded in a specific format at a police station, and it can then be used as evidence against the accused. In some cases, assistance may be needed to draft and submit the initial application before a Justice of Peace or Police Station. This legal remedy can be availed by filing a petition under Section 22-A and B for the registration of an FIR in the Court of Sessions.

Who Can File an FIR in Pakistan?

Filing an FIR in Pakistan is a straightforward procedure. All you need to do is visit or call a police station and provide information about the commission of a cognizable offence. The officer at the station will reduce your report to writing and record it in the FIR register. You should sign the report after verifying that all the information provided is accurate. Once filed, you will receive a certified copy of the FIR, signed by the officer, within 24-48 hours.

Additionally, you can also file an online FIR through Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s official website. After submitting your complaint, you will receive a complaint tracking number which you can use to track its progress.

The AAGAHI campaign is also aimed at helping people file FIRs quickly and efficiently. Rao Noushad was present at Zila Kacheri Lahore recently to help citizens with this process. An FIR recorded within one hour of occurrence of murder is considered genuine and can be used for corroboration purposes as per NLR 1989.

When Should an FIR be Registered?

If you have witnessed a crime or have been a victim of one, registering an FIR in Pakistan is a simple process that only takes a few minutes. All you need to do is provide a certified copy of the FIR, signed by an officer bearing the stamp of the police station. The person giving the information must also sign it after it has been recorded in the FIR Register.

No preliminary inquiry is permissible before registration of FIR, and legal machinery is set in motion only after registration of the FIR. This legal remedy can be availed by filing a petition under Section 22-A and B for the registration of FIR in the Court of Sessions.

AAGAHI is a public service campaign with an aim to create awareness about registering an FIR and simplifying this process for people across Pakistan. The campaign works towards making sure that people understand their rights and are able to register an FIR without any hassle or delay.

Where Should an FIR be Registered?

The process of filing a complaint against a cognizable offence in Sindh is easy. All you need to do is visit the Sindh Police website and click on ‘Complaint Management System’. Once the police have recorded the information, the person giving the information must sign it. The FIR should be recorded within one hour of the occurrence for it to be considered as a genuine document. It can be used for corroboration of its maker.

AAGAHI is a public service campaign with an aim to improve policing services in Pakistan and ensure timely registration of FIRs. The Online FIR system allows people to lodge complaints against any crime within Pakistan, without any delay or excuses from the Police. Despite this, Registration of FIRs remains a complicated problem in Pakistan’s administration of criminal justice system. People can avail this legal remedy by filing a petition under Section 22-A and B for registration in the Court of Sessions.

What Information Should be Included in the FIR?

If you have witnessed a crime or have been a victim of one, it is important to file an FIR. An FIR stands for First Information Report and is the document which formally records the details of the crime. In Pakistan, registering an FIR is simpler than most people believe.

After filing an FIR, the police will record all of the necessary information in their register. This information includes the date, time, and location of the offence as well as any details provided by witnesses or victims. Once this information has been recorded, the person who gave it must sign it in order to certify its accuracy. A certified copy of this report should be provided to anyone who files it.

Furthermore, under Pakistani law, anyone can file an FIR regardless if they are a victim or not. The only requirement is that there are facts that show that a cognizable offence has been committed so that police may take further action. As such, AAGAHI is a public service campaign with an aim to educate people about their rights when it comes to filing an FIR and ensuring justice for all victims of crime.

How Can I Register an FIR Online in Pakistan?

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa police offers the facility to register an FIR (First Information Report) online. To do so, all you need to do is visit their official website and click on ‘Online FIR’ from the left-hand navigation panel. Once the web form opens up, carefully fill in the information related to the complaint such as missing persons, details about the incident, etc. After this, the police officer (usually an Admin Officer in the Police Station) will draft an FIR application either in English or Urdu. Once it is submitted, you will receive a complaint tracking number within 24-48 hours which can be used to check on its progress through their web portal.

How Can I Register a Complaint Over Phone in Pakistan?

If you have been the victim of a cognizable crime, you can lodge a complaint with the police by filing an FIR (First Information Report). Residents of Punjab and Islamabad can file their complaint online through the respective state’s police department website. To file an online complaint in Punjab, please visit the Punjab Police website and scroll down to click on ‘Lodge e-Complaint’. In Islamabad, visit the Islamabad Police Department’s official website and click on ‘Submit Complaint’.

To help citizens track their complaints more easily, the District Public Safety and Police Complaints Authority provides an online platform where users can submit their complaints as well as track their progress. The PAS android app also offers this service. For further queries or assistance, contact them at 091-9223576 or email at You may also visit their office located at 2nd Floor, National Police Foundation Building in Mauve Area, Sector G-10/4 in Islamabad, Pakistan. The helpline number is 1991 and they can be reached via phone at +92 51 9106 384.

What Steps are Involved in the Process of Filing an FIR in Pakistan?

When a crime has been committed, it is important to contact the police as soon as possible and file an FIR (First Information Report). According to Section 154 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, registering an FIR is the duty of the police and they should do so without any delay. A certified copy of the FIR must be provided to the person who reports the crime and it is also their right. If a murder occurs, then an FIR must be recorded within one hour for it to be considered genuine document.

If you need help filing an initial application before a Justice of Peace or Police Station, you can seek legal assistance. In case your application is refused, you can file a petition under Section 22-A and B for registering an FIR in the Court of Sessions.

Is There any Way to Track the Status of My Complaint after Filing it with Police Station?

If you are a victim of a crime, it is important that you file an FIR with the local police station. A certified copy of the FIR, signed by an officer bearing the stamp of the police station, can be provided to you. This document sets the process of criminal justice in motion and is essential for taking legal action. The processing fee is free and the turn around time is usually between five to ten minutes. Refusal or negligence by a police officer to register an FIR may lead to penal action under section 29.

The Pakistani police often transgresses its authority while making leisured efforts towards law enforcement. You can track your complaint progress either through our web portal or using our PAS android app. For queries and help contact us at 091-9223576 or email us at

If you wish to file a complaint, please use our online complaint portal or call & SMS at Helpline 1715 to register & track your complaint. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory and must be filled out before submitting the form. If you have already launched a complaint, click here to check the status of your complaint.

Are There Any Legal Consequences for Falsely Accusing Someone Through Filing a False Report or Wrong Information through the Process of Filing an FIR ?

Section 182 of the Pakistan Penal Code provides a punishment of up to six months in prison, a fine, or both for filing a false complaint or giving wrong information to the police. High Court may issue a writ of mandamus against the police officer or police department who lodged such false FIR and direct them to take appropriate action. The maximum punishment in the Pakistan Penal Code for the offence of giving or fabricating false evidence is seven years’ imprisonment. Legal machinery is set in motion only after registration of FIR. Refusal or negligence by a police officer to register an FIR exposes him to attach u/S 29. In cases where the complaint was made by someone who was not actually cheated, it was held that the complainant had no locus standi to make complaint.

In order to avoid punishment under Section 182, it is important not to file false complaints or provide wrong information when registering an FIR. Furthermore, judicial magistrates may issue orders directing damages for incorrect information provided when filing a case and trying it before being rejected. When offences are committed beyond Pakistan but may be tried within Pakistan, any person liable by Pakistani law will be punished accordingly.

How Long Does It Take For An Investigation to Be Completed After An Fir Has Been Lodged In Pakistan ?

In Pakistan, registering a First Information Report (FIR) is a relatively straightforward process. This is to ensure that investigations into potential criminal activity can begin as soon as possible. The police are authorized to start an investigation into a cognizable case without needing any orders from the court. FIRs can be filed by anyone who has been connected with a cognizable offence or has knowledge of it. Once an FIR is registered, the police must start an investigation of the case. An exception to this is when an incident has occurred outside of their jurisdiction – in this situation, they may not investigate the case even if an FIR has been lodged.

An FIR does not constitute evidence but can be used to corroborate other evidence found during the course of the investigation. Failing to register an FIR promptly carries a maximum penalty of six months in prison, a fine or both according to Section 182 of the Pakistan Penal Code. The police officer responsible for recording the FIR cannot delay it, and must complete their investigation without any loss of time.



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