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Women Harassment in Pakistan: An Epidemic That Needs to Be Addressed


Women harassment is a prevalent problem in Pakistan. Women of all ages, backgrounds, and professions are subjected to various forms of harassment, including sexual harassment, verbal abuse, and physical violence. This article aims to shed light on this issue, provide legal solutions for victims, and create awareness about women’s rights.

Table of the Content

  1. Understanding Women Harassment in Pakistan
  2. Forms of Women Harassment in Pakistan
  3. Legal Framework for Women Harassment in Pakistan
  4. Legal Solutions for Women Harassment Victims in Pakistan
  5. Creating Awareness about Women Rights in Pakistan

Understanding Women Harassment in Pakistan:

Women harassment in Pakistan is a pervasive issue, and it affects women from all walks of life. It is a form of gender-based violence that violates women’s rights and can cause severe emotional, psychological, and physical damage. Women harassment can take many forms, including sexual harassment, physical violence, emotional abuse, and verbal abuse.

Forms of Women Harassment in Pakistan:

The forms of women harassment in Pakistan include:

  1. Sexual harassment: unwanted sexual advances, physical touching, and sexual comments.
  2. Physical violence: physical assault, domestic violence, and acid attacks.
  3. Emotional abuse: verbal abuse, threats, and intimidation.
  4. Verbal abuse: name-calling, derogatory comments, and sexist remarks.

Legal Framework for Women Harassment in Pakistan:

Pakistan has various laws and policies in place to protect women’s rights and address women harassment issues. The following are some of the legal frameworks related to women harassment in Pakistan:

  1. The Protection against Harassment of Women at the Workplace Act 2010
  2. The Criminal Law (Amendment) Act 2016
  3. The Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act 2013
  4. The Acid Control and Acid Crime Prevention Bill 2010

Legal Solutions for Women Harassment Victims in Pakistan:

The legal system in Pakistan provides various solutions for women harassment victims. Some of the legal remedies available for women harassment victims include:

  1. Filing a complaint with the relevant authorities, such as the police or the workplace harassment committee.
  2. Seeking legal aid from lawyers and organizations that provide legal assistance to women.
  3. Filing a case in the court of law for compensation and damages.

Creating Awareness about Women Rights in Pakistan:

Creating awareness about women’s rights is crucial to combating women harassment in Pakistan. It is essential to educate people about women’s rights and make them aware of the laws and policies related to women harassment. Creating awareness can be done through:

  1. Public campaigns and advertisements
  2. Workshops and seminars
  3. Social media platforms


Q. What is women harassment? A. Women harassment is a form of gender-based violence that violates women’s rights and can cause severe emotional, psychological, and physical damage.

Q. What are the legal frameworks related to women harassment in Pakistan? A. The legal frameworks related to women harassment in Pakistan include The Protection against Harassment of Women at the Workplace Act 2010, The Criminal Law (Amendment) Act 2016, The Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act 2013, and The Acid Control and Acid Crime Prevention Bill 2010.

Q. What are the legal solutions available for women harassment victims in Pakistan? A. The legal solutions available for women harassment victims in Pakistan include filing a complaint with the relevant authorities, seeking legal aid from lawyers and organizations, and filing a case in the court of law for compensation and damages.


Women harassment is an epidemic that needs to be addressed in Pakistan. It is not only a violation of women’s basic human rights but also a hindrance to their growth and development. It is high time that the Pakistani society realizes the gravity of this issue and takes necessary steps to eradicate it.

The legal framework in Pakistan is adequate to protect women’s rights, but it is also essential to raise awareness about these laws and policies among the masses. The public must be made aware of the consequences of women harassment and the importance of respecting women’s dignity.

Moreover, women who are harassed need to be supported and empowered to come forward and report their cases. There should be no fear of retaliation or victim-blaming, and the victims should be provided with legal aid and counseling services.

In conclusion, the government, civil society organizations, and individuals must come together to create a safe environment for women in Pakistan. We need to work towards building a society where women can exercise their basic rights without fear of harassment or violence. Only then can we truly call ourselves a progressive and civilized nation.



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